Sunday, January 30, 2011

Music makes me Jump!!!!!

My Nephew is the cutest!

My sister Erin posted these on face book and I couldn't resist editing them. How sweet is my boy?????

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"The Goofy Gang"

because sometimes you just need to be GOOFY! (we are good at that)


The puppies had to get a tub today because when we got home from the girls upward game they had poop in their cage....I think Wally is having a"little" stomach issue and Gertie had to pay the price - a tub!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Up with the Roosters

The kids had to be up at the church by 6am to eat breakfast so they could head out to do a morning show in Richmond. We were sad to see them leave but are so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through them and the Watoto ministry.

Privilege to Host

after the concert we had the privilege of hosting 3 girls and 1 Auntie.

The Watoto Childrens Choir....ROCKED IT!

Our church (GBC) hosted the Watoto childrens choir last night. They were fabulous! Check out their website

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A girl and a ladder

FYI - MOMS!!!!!

for all of the Mom's out there (of kids 5+yrs) that are sick of the nasty tub toys with holes in them that collect water inside or have a ton of naked Barbies thrown about with tangled hair. ROCKS are for you! You can get smooth colored rocks in different sizes at any specialty store or craft store. Make sure they are not smaller than your drain and that your child doesn't eat them ;) (minor detail, hence the 5+statement at the beginning of the post) They are great!!!!!! I stumbled upon them and had to share. It's a great way for the kids to use their imagination and Not have all of the yuck and mess that comes with traditional tub toys. Add in some Tupperware and you can't go wrong!
Happy Tubbing!!!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Tired Momma

Photos taken by D.P. while we were "watching" a movie
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