Tuesday, January 25, 2011

FYI - MOMS!!!!!

for all of the Mom's out there (of kids 5+yrs) that are sick of the nasty tub toys with holes in them that collect water inside or have a ton of naked Barbies thrown about with tangled hair. ROCKS are for you! You can get smooth colored rocks in different sizes at any specialty store or craft store. Make sure they are not smaller than your drain and that your child doesn't eat them ;) (minor detail, hence the 5+statement at the beginning of the post) They are great!!!!!! I stumbled upon them and had to share. It's a great way for the kids to use their imagination and Not have all of the yuck and mess that comes with traditional tub toys. Add in some Tupperware and you can't go wrong!
Happy Tubbing!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. what a cool idea? Thanks for sharing! We are doing Foster Care, and have a little one right now, she's 3, but she is scared of baths, so I am constantly looking for ideas to make bath time more appealing to her!


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